Brush Princeton Select oval mop

Brush Princeton Select oval mop

Princeton Princeton Select Artiste

Princeton Select is a vast line of quality, short handled brushes created for oil, acrylic and watercolor artists. You can explore traditional and avant-garde techniques on nearly any surface, from broad brush strokes to fine detailed work, Princeton Select has you covered. Satin-finish, jewel-tone blue handles and nickel plated brass ferrules make Select as beautiful to look at as it is to paint with.
Mops come in a variety of hair types and styles, such as the oval mop, which is a brush with innovative synthetic hair that is crimped to mimic the shape and movement of natural hair. This brush is recommended for softening and blending, as well as varnishing and decoupage because it shows minimal brushstrokes.

Media: Universal (acrylic, oil, watercolour, textile, silk etc.)
Usage: Blending, softening, washes

02PR3750OM50 757063375506 Brush Select synthetic oval mop 1/2 Brush Select synthetic oval mop 1/2" short handle
Availability in stores
  • Estonia
  • Tallinn Skizze2
  • ARS Skizze1
  • Tartu Skizze1
  • Lithuania
  • Vilnius Skizze1
  • E-Shop / Wholesale
9.80 Add to Cart
02PR3750OM25 757063375490 Brush Select synthetic oval mop 1/4 Brush Select synthetic oval mop 1/4" short handle
Availability in stores
  • Estonia
  • Tallinn Skizze3
  • ARS Skizze2
  • Tartu Skizze2
  • Lithuania
  • Vilnius Skizze1
  • E-Shop / Wholesale
6.95 Add to Cart