Pastel paper pad MiTeintes hard cover

Pastel paper pad MiTeintes hard cover

Canson Canson Mi-teintes

Canson Mi-Teintes has gained worldwide recognition for its excellent properties, texture and quality, and is loved by many professionals. The paper is gelatin stock-sized, which limits the absorption of pigments while bringing out the colours. Canson Mi-Teintes paper contains more than 50% cotton fiber, which adds to its durability both over time and while handling. The Canson Mi-Teintes paper, highly recommended for drawing, has one side with a stronger, honeycomb-like texture, while the other side is smoother. Perfect for a variety of techniques such as pastel, charcoal, sanguine, graphite and even watercolour and gouache. The hardcover pastel paper pad, closed with an elegant rubber band, is convenient to carry. The storage pocket on the inner cover helps to keep valuable memories and notes. The spiral binding allows the pad to be opened and turned more easily.

02CA3120L010 3148950043009 Pastel paper pad MiTeintes 14.8x21cm/160g 40 sheets spiral hard cover with rubber band Pastel paper pad MiTeintes 14.8x21cm/160g 40 sheets spiral hard cover with rubber band
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  • Tallinn Skizze3
  • Kalamaja Skizze2
  • Tartu Skizze2
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